< Manson    < Red & Blue

Quotes from Blue -

I used to say to environmentalists: Studying the problems doesn't do anything. They must be dealt with concretely, efficiently, and now. At least make some effort in real, beyond money, approval, marches, etc. I say if we don't get together and war on pollution, we all perish. War for life.

Women are especially responsible because woman is the earth. It's her nature and job to take care of the earth. Women have been raising and holding children with fears and insecurities to go for the paychecks, to uphold the present way of life. Women fear real change and reflect their fear upon the children, and it's her fear that holds down positive change. The USA is living in a matriarchy centered in fear and money, not earth and survival and life on earth is dying because of it. Males for the most part are reflections of their mothers' and other women's fears.

In millions of people the will to live is dim. They want out of the hell they created, live in, and perpetuate. If you can redeem your own mind and soul out from all your conditioning and cultural brainwash and be what Manson calls "reborn", then you'll see clearly the need to redeem ATWA now.

The mass of people are sheep and move whichever way the money or the biggest fear tells them to move. When air and water get bad enough people will do as they are told. It doesn't matter what people think. It's what is. Do you want to live? Then fix your air and water. Save your trees and wildlife. Those who war upon any part of nature are warring upon themselves and their children.

The people who want life on earth are with Manson in the will of life and are working beyond money and ego trips. For one God, one world, one court, one government, one mind.


He [Manson] spoke of women as earth. Woman as the earth. We're here to procreate, to bear children, to nurture children, to nurture that which gives us life, which is the earth. We must take care of the earth or there is no life for anything. It's what we call ATWA: air, trees, water and animals. The will to put our intelligence, our whole life into fixing that which we are as women. Earth. We've seen it dying. We all seen the pollution. We've seen the trees being cut. We've seen the gradual extinction of wildlife. We were aware of these things.


I think what is justified is whatever it takes to stop the destruction of life on earth.


We were living on the ground. We didn't have TVs. We didn't have electricity. We didn't have hot water. We realized that if other people would see that this is really a far more reasonable way to live, we could save our air. Give up the automobiles. Charlie said, when he got arrested, "Go ride a horse." We were getting back to the earth, and we saw that this lifestyle could save a world that's way overpopulated and polluted.


I had 3000 letters to the heads of corporations and industries throughout the United States and some in Europe that are destroying the air, the water, the land, the wildlife. They weren't personal threats. They were simply saying what would happen if they continued to destroy what keeps people, what sustains life. They weren't on a personal level because there's no way that I could personally give these people the justice that they're calling for. As people start dying, as their air and water runs out, and their children are getting cancer, and they're getting cancer and things become intolerable in this country, people will awake to what has destroyed the economy and who has destroyed the ecology. People will lose their minds and do whatever they do. Madness is coming. I didn't personally threaten anybody. One of the radio interviews that I gave was to Hamilton, Ontario. I got five years for that inter- view. I've got the interview right here and there is no threatening words in this interview. I created fear in the corporate world because they don't want to be exposed. I was naming names, and they don't want people to know how they're destroying life on earth.

Artwork by Blue